Friday, September 12, 2008

New Shows and new projects

Hi folks,

Well, it has been quite an eventful week or two around here. Barack Obama nominated for president, then the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and then the arrival of Hurricane Gustav.....and that was just Thursday through Monday. Fortunately, we were spared any real damage from the hurricane, and in fact, found the time to record the first two demos of new Bluerunners material. We will continue making demos with our eyes on making a full length record in the coming months.

On Fri, Sep. 19th we head to The Saxon Pub in Austin, TX. We love playing the Saxon, and this will be a special night as we share the bill with Shinyribs, featuring Kevin Russell of The Gourds, and Paula Nelson. The show will be broadcast live on KGSR. We're hoping to debut a couple of new songs there. Shinyribs will kick off at 9 p.m., followed by Paula Nelson at 10, and Bluerunners at 11. Then on Sat, the 20th, we are psyched to be back in Dallas, TX at the All Good Cafe. We are long overdue to play Dallas, and look forward to a great show.

So, things are moving. Hopefully, we can dodge Hurricane Ike and keep our momentum going.

best for now,

ps: Check out: This site was set up by our friend Bob Cooper in Philadelphia, as a place where friends and fans of the Bluerunners can meet each other. Check it out and tell us how you like it.