Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New friends, new babies, and new music

Hey folks,
Sorry for taking so long since my last post. I thought being on the road would give me lots of time to write, and fill up the blog with colorful characters, and anecdotes from our travels. Turns out, being on the road is very time consuming. I absolutely enjoyed our runs this summer, but I didn't have a lot of down-time. Down-time on the road is called sleeping....then eating...then sleeping again. Driving is also important, and you don't want to do your sleeping while you're doing your driving.

Actually, this was some of the easiest touring I've ever done. With just three guys, it's easy to make decisions, and get the gear set up, and get on to the good part, which is playing the gigs. Out of the entire four months of touring, I think we only played three rooms that we had been to previously. The coolest thing about this is all the new friends we made. We made a point to reach out, and make ourselves available to meet folks after the shows, and what a pleasure that turned out to be. In the past, we ...OK...I avoided this at all costs. It's weird, because I'm up there confessing my sins, exposing my fears, and screaming about all of it....while the audience is drinking and dancing, and having a blast. It's fun for me too, but it's a different kind of fun. It's the kind of thing you almost dread doing, but then can't live without doing. Music is a strange and powerful thing, I can attest to that. Anyway, it was great to meet so many new friends. It meant a lot to me and Will and Frank to meet you all. I especially want to thank the folks who traveled a long, long way to see us. That was very humbling. I've done that more than a few times to see a band I liked, and I know how it can kill the rest of your work week. Still, I also have great memories of showing up to work, out on my feet, with my ears ringing blissfully from the show the night before. I hope we did that for you too.

OK, on to the important news: two new additions to the Bluerunners' extended family. Both Ade and Rob made babies this summer....actually, they helped their lovely wives, Laura and Roquel make them. Ade and Laura welcomed young Nate Antoin Huval (their first!) and Rob and Roquel made room for Ms. Lily Roxanne Savoy, sister to the already famous Ms. Ella Savoy. Everybody is healthy and happy. To recap, this makes 5 Bluerunners youngsters. John and Kathleen Maloney have a strapping young lad, Ben; and Cal and Melissa Stevenson had their bouncing baby Beckett just about two years ago.

Another thing, for those of you wanting a new record...it's coming. We have a bunch of new songs, now it's just a matter of getting into the studio. We've never been very fast about putting out new material, and that doesn't look to change right now. At least, we've started kicking around the idea amongst ourselves, that's the first step.

1 comment:

magnolia said...

It was great for us, too. Having you come to the northeast is a lot easier, though less fun, perhaps, than going to Lafayette.

Having access to the band was pure pleasure. Other than screaming out the obnoxious request ("Landslide"), I try not to bother a band at work. Getting to chat with Frank and Will was real nice. Mark's always enjoyable.

Congrats to the expanding Bluerunner family, and may the next addition be another great record.

Rock on, boys.